9 principles to living a healthy life

Want to be living a healthy life? Here are some principles to focus on that will help you with that.

Most principles of health lists tell you what to do. Gaining that knowledge is usually the easy part of health. These principles will help you with the hard part, they focus on HOW to do it.

9 principles for good health

Strength - of conviction as to WHY good health matters to you

Endurance - understanding that good health is the ultimate long game and playing it as such

Flexibility - to be open to new information, new ideas, and new ways of doing things

Balance - incorporating health into YOUR life and dancing with what where and how that looks as things change

Proprioception - knowing where you are in the process and understanding where you need to go next. It’s also about being brutally honest about where you are right now.

Agility - to apply different tactics and strategies to different situations and adapt effectively when things don't go to plan

Power - incorporating the power of community and support into your health journey

Speed - the speed to make healthy decisions when they need to be made. Life offers us a series of health choice points on a daily basis, if we agonise over them we don’t end up getting anything done.

Coordination - ensuring that all the important pillars of health for you occur regularly in your schedule

Good health is a result of action (usually a whole lot of imperfect action), when we focus on HOW to implement health as opposed to WHAT to do it’s much easier for us to take (imperfect) action.

Thanks for reading. When you’re ready to improve your health here is a way we can help with that.

Want to chat about Health mentoring to improve your health and performance, or your organisations. Please feel free to book in a time for a 30 minute introductory chat https://calendly.com/healthmentors/30min


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